March 15th, 2021 marks the 10 years since the uprising & eventual war in Syria began in 2011. The Peace Center encourages our community to take time to consider the devastation that has occurred for many in the region over the past decade, much of which is a direct result of continued U.S intervention.

The video below, produced by The Grayzone, is an insightful and highly educational piece regarding the ongoing conflict in the conflict zone of Syria. The piece focuses largely on how U.S policy since the Obama administration, has largely shaped the ongoing war. The Grayzone has continued to offer excellent reporting on Syria as well as other areas of U.S intervention.

Al Jazeera reports that, “today, more than half the pre-war population of 23 million remains displaced, including more than five million who are refugees, mostly in neighbouring countries.”
On April 12th, 2018 in response to reports of pending military intervention by U.S military in the region, The Black Alliance for Peace asked the highly relevant question: What power has given the U.S. gangster state the right to unilaterally attack any nation on this planet? In 2021, the same question remains. 
In the previously linked video by The Grayzone, we are reminded of President Biden’s ties to U.S intervention in the region.

U.S intervention in the Syria did not start or end with the Trump administration and many who are a part of our current administration are largely responsible for the decisions that led us to where we are today. It is imperative that peace activists continue to raise awareness around the issue and continue to condemn any policy that points towards increased U.S military intervention.