Saturday, December 14th 2019, 6:00-9:00PM
Diablo Room – Hillside Clubhouse, Rossmoor
3400 Golden Creek Road, Walnut Creek

The Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center is excited to announce our upcoming 11th Annual Peace Awards Dinner. Each year, we come together to honor and recognize the change makers in our community working hard to make a difference. This year, we are proud to announce that we will be honoring the community groups “Youth vs. Apocalypse” as well as “Friends of Scott and Taun Hall” with our Local Heroes for Peace Award for 2019. Activist Paul Larudee will be our keynote speaker for the evening and will receive our Lifetime Peacemaker Award.

The dinner will be a semi-formal event, held on Saturday, December 14th at the Diablo Room, located within the Hillside Clubhouse in Rossmoor, Walnut Creek. The evening will include a full-course dinner, silent auction, as well as a live performance by traditional Japanese drumming group, Diablo Taiko! With a membership of nearly 300 we are expecting a large crowd!

If you would like to attend the dinner, please register by clicking here or by calling the Center at (925) 933-7850.

Tickets: $65 for public, $50 for members, $400 for a reserved table of 8 guests.

Youth vs. Apocalypse is a youth-led group of climate justice activists who are working together to lift the voices of youth, in particular youth of color, and fight for a livable climate and an equitable, sustainable, and just world. The Center has been inspired by the movement they have been working tirelessly to build and maintain in the Bay Area this year. They work alongside other community groups to create the action that is necessary for positive change.

Friends of Scott and Taun Hall is a community group that was formed in Walnut Creek this past summer in response to the police killing of Miles Hall, a young Black member of our community. The group is demanding accountability from the Walnut Creek Police Department who escalated to using lethal force in a non-lethal situation. They are also advocating for greater resources and education around mental health in our community to destigmatize mental illness and prevent further senseless police killings.

Paul Larudee will be our keynote speaker for the evening and will also receiving our Lifetime Peacemaker Award for his long-standing commitment to peace work. He is co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement and led the Northern California chapter for ten years. Larudee was a key organizer of the Boats to Gaza campaign and a key organizer of the Syria Solidarity Movement. He has also been an organizer of many tours and projects in the Middle East and served as a steering committee member of the Richmond Progressive Alliance.

Help spread the word! We would love to see the community show up for this special occasion. Digital versions of our event flyers can be found here for download and distribution.