CODEPINK Rally for Reproductive Freedom, GG Bridge, July 24, 2022                  Photo by Martha Hubert – Full Recap + photos below
Recommended Reading(Week of July 26th)

“Did Lawmakers Finally Figure Out That Critical News Literacy is Antidote to Disinformation?” by Nolan Higdon on ScheerPost / Project Censored

“Staying Out of a New Trade Cold War” by Jomo Kwame Sundaram  and Anis Chowdhury – Consortium News

“Chris Hedges: The Dawn of the Apocalypse”
Upcoming Events:

(July 26th – 6PM PST)Hybrid In-Person / Webinar: Public Forum on Homelessness in Walnut Creek

If joining virtually please visit this link: to RSVP:
In-Person Meeting:Walnut Creek City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1666 North Main Street, 1st Floor, Walnut Creek (Masks are required in council chambers for those who plan to attend in perso
The Walnut Creek Homeless Task Force, established in 2013, is hosting a free public Community Forum on Homelessness in Walnut Creek on Tuesday, July 26, 6–8pm.

A hybrid event, the forum will be held in the Walnut Creek City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1666 North Main Street, 1st Floor, Walnut Creek, and via Zoom for attendees who wish to participate online. Masks are required in council chambers for those who plan to attend in person.

The forum is designed to give community members and business owners a platform to learn about the homeless services and continuum of care available to unhoused people and those at risk in Walnut Creek, and what actions are being taken by the City and the County to address homelessness.  Present at the forum will be representatives from several resources that work together to provide care to unhoused people and those at risk in Walnut Creek.

Panelists scheduled to appear are Shelby Ferguson, Health, Housing, and Homeless Services, Contra Costa Health Services; Lisa Thomas, CORE (Coordinated Outreach, Referral & Engagement Program); Erika Vandenbrande, City of Walnut Creek, Community Development; Sgt. Gary Silva, Walnut Creek Police Department, HOP Team; Leslie Gleason, Trinity Center; Sheila Aceves, Loaves and Fishes; and Donna Colombo, Walnut Creek Homeless Task Force.

Walnut Creek Mayor Matt Francois will provide opening remarks, and Molly Pfau Clopp, board chair of the Trinity Center, will be the evening’s moderator

This is a free public event, but virtual attendees must RSVP to to receive the Zoom link. 

For more information about the Community Forum on Homelessness in Walnut Creek, visit

CODEPINK Monthly Bridge Walk for Peace
“It was a typical foggy day in July in San Francisco, and the fog never completely lifted, but that didn’t stop this energetic and passionate group, rising up together for reproductive rights.
Huge thanks to who helped bring a lot of high spirited and energetic young people to the mix. Heartfelt and passionate speeches were shared at our short rally in the plaza, and terrific messaging/signage helped express our outrage about the recent Supreme Court assault on our reproductive rights, the overturning Roe v. Wade.
One shared rallying cry: “Abortion on demand and without apology!”
Media coverage included this great NBC report, featuring numerous interviews HERE.Indybay Coverage HERE.
Dozens, many donning green, the international color for abortion rights, headed up to the bridge walkway after the rally, shouting “Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, For Abortion Rights Rise Up, Rise Up!” 
PHOTOS:The entire rally & walk was documented by photographer Leon Kunstenaar. His amazing photos HERE.Special thanks to Leon and!And to Martha Hubert for these endearing photos HERE.
Gratitudes to:-Magda Cholewinska and the other members; It was great to collaborate with you all!
-Martha Hubert for her many excellent and extensive signs-Francis Collins for his empowering song-And all the regular CODEPINK bridge walkers who have enabled this effort to persist, allowing these important messages of peace and justice to reach the world and our local communities since 2007, when our bridge walks began.
Toby BloméBay Area CODEPINK Coordinator
All photos by Leon Kunstenaar and, unless otherwise stated.
Join WorldBeyondWar online for a screening of “The Day After,” followed by a discussion led by experts.

This three-hour free public event begins on August 6th at 9AM U.S. Pacific Time.


“The Day After” is a U.S. post-apocalyptic film that first aired on November 20, 1983, on the ABC television network. A record-setting 100 million people watched it in the U.S. – and 200 million on Russian TV during its initial broadcast.
The film postulates a fictional war between NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact countries over Germany that rapidly escalates into a full-scale nuclear exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union. The action focuses on the residents of Lawrence, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri, and of several family farms near nuclear missile silos.
Then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan watched the film more than a month before its screening on Columbus Day, October 10, 1983. He wrote in his diary that the film was “very effective and left me greatly depressed,” and that it changed his mind on the prevailing policy on a “nuclear war.” Maybe this film can still change hearts and minds! 
Join us to find out!
Star power:The film’s director, Nicholas Meyer has allowed World BEYOND War to use the 127-minute theatrical cut of the film, and its production researcher, Arthur Kanegis, helped us to get it online. David Swanson has agreed to help moderate. We will have a short welcome on Zoom at 12 pm EDT, and then watch the movie from 12:10 pm to 2:30 pm EDT, followed by presentations and a question-and-answer period with our experts, Vicki Elson of NuclearBan.US and Dr. Gordon Edwards of Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility.
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war. 
From Win Without War:
Rep. Barbara Lee and other Democrats are championing an amendment that will reverse Congress’s attempt to add $37 BILLION in unnecessary Pentagon spending to next year’s budget.
This week, Congress is debating next year’s Pentagon budget. Every weapons contractor wants a piece of the pie, and they’re shamelessly lobbying for it. And many members of Congress are listening to those lobbyists. When all is said and done, next year’s Pentagon budget could be a whopping $850 billion. 
President Biden already proposed to give more money to the Pentagon, but the war hawks in Congress voted to add BILLIONS MORE to the budget. Every year, the Pentagon keeps getting more and more money. That is — unless you take action to stop it. 
This amendment will undo a reckless spending increase and bring the budget back down to the level that President Biden submitted. A vote on this amendment could happen any day now. This is a fight we can win, especially because we’re on the same side as the White House. But it won’t happen unless we show up to give back to the Democrats in Congress pushing this forward.
Consider donating to the Center today!
As a small non-profit – member contributions really do provide the backbone for our programming! In fact, over 70% of our funding comes from membership.-Donations can be made online via this link
Contributions may also be paid by credit card or sent in the mail via check directly to our office! If you would like information on how to pay by card – please email To send checks directly to the Center – our address is 1035 Carol Lane – Lafayette, CA 94549.
The Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center is a tax-deductible 501 (c)(3) non-profit.
DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE –SOCIAL JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SPEAKER SERIESThe Social Justice Program at Diablo Valley College, which started in 2018, hosts a variety of social justice speakers and topics to help elevate attention to social justice issues.Please view the flyers below for some of their upcoming events + visit their website for more information!