• The May / June 2020 Issue of our Gazette is LIVE!

    The latest issue of our Peace Gazette is now available! It includes our regular column by longtime board member Bob Maxwell, as well as a few new features. As a part of the launch of our new community partners section […]

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  • 2020 Election Coverage

    The Peace Center Research Group has been hard at work for the past year compiling foreign policy statements made by prospective Democratic candidates in our Foreign Policy Fact Sheets. While we began with coverage of over 10 Democratic candidates, we […]

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    Hello Wonderful Community! We hope everything is going as well as it can for you and your loved ones. Though it is a time of crisis, we have been greatly inspired and touched by the networks of support that have […]

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  • Statement on Modified Art and Writing Challenge/Youth Activist Grant 2020!

    From personal experience as well as speaking with some of our student organizers, the Peace Center has found that art and writing is a therapeutic, meditative, and transformative practice. It allows us to contextualize and process our feelings and thoughts […]

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  • April Update!

    To all Peace Center Members/Community,We hope this message finds you well during this hectic time. So much has changed in just the past month, it can be hard to remain focused on what is important. We hope everyone is staying […]

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  • Our March/April Peace Gazette is here!

    Please view the most recent version of our gazette here!

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About the Center

We exist to offer Contra Costa County residents a choice – a choice in how to view the world through peaceful eyes, to view Contra Costa County as part of the global family. Showing support for community programs allows the Center to work towards engendering new ways of thinking in every citizen. That choice includes how we spend our time and money, and the picture of what peace looks like gets clearer as we take actions that reflect our resolve to be the change we want to see.

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