The Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center is excited to announce the addition of community member, Thomas Brom to our board of directors. Thomas has been working with the Center for some time now with our Advocacy Committee – and along with Rick Sterling, plays an integral role in the facilitation, research, and upkeep of our “Peace Charts” that serve as foreign policy guides to the 2020 Democratic candidates.

Thomas Brom (“Tom”) was born in Marquette, Michigan, raised in New Jersey, and arrived in California in the mid-1960s. He graduated from Stanford University in 1967 and the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism in 1969.

Tom was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War, counseled other draft resisters, and distributed anti-war films to student, church, and community groups.

In the 1970s Tom was active in Berkeley Citizen’s Action, a municipal reform movement that promoted rent control, community control of police, public ownership of PG&E, and progressive candidates for city council. He was employed as a researcher, writer, and editor by a number of Bay Area nonprofits, including American Documentary Films, Community Economics Inc., Pacific News Service, and In These Times.

In 1983 Tom began his career in legal journalism as senior editor of California Lawyer, a monthly magazine published by the State Bar. For more than 30 years he assigned and edited feature stories on law and politics, and wrote an award-winning column on topics ranging from union organizing to corporate governance and municipal bankruptcy. The publication closed in September 2015.

Currently, Tom is a member of the Center’s Advocacy Committee. He and his wife are active in the Lafayette community, where they raised their two daughters.