“Sanctions that target key sectors of a foreign country’s economy are often portrayed as an effective and useful tool for pressuring governments considered to be a security threat or to be engaged in human rights violations or anti-democratic behavior.”
Center for Economic & Policy Research, 1/20/20

The Peace & Justice Center Advocacy Committee has thoroughly reviewed the impact of U.S sanctions and encourages our membership/community to support the following two letter/petition campaigns that demand an end to U.S sanctions:

1) Sanctions Kill Petition – Letter to Congress:
TELL THE NEW U.S. ADMINISTRATION TO END ECONOMIC SANCTIONS IN THE FACE OF THE GLOBAL COVID-19 PANDEMIC” – To view & sign on to this letter please visit: https://sanctionskill.org/petition/

2) Code Pink Petition
Lift Pandemic Sanctions!” – To view & sign on to this letter please visit: covidsanctions

For an insightful overview on the impact of U.S sanctions, we encourage you to review the January 20, 2020 report from the Center for Economic Policy and Research: https://www.cepr.net/the-case-against-economic-sanctions/

This informational powerpoint toolkit put together by sanctionskill.org, is also a helpful resource: https://sanctionskill.org/toolkit/