Hello from the Peace Center! We are happy to announce that the SPRING ISSUEof our peace gazette is now live. Moving from a bi-monthly print newsletter to a seasonal release, we are looking to utilize our website and focus more on establishing an online presence here on this site. The website will become the central hub for Peace Center activity and will begin posting original articles written by members, as well as publishing news and events notices from other groups. The goal is to publish information on a more timely basis than had been permitted in our newsletter!

This issue of our Peace Gazette includes information about our 2021 Art and Writing Challenge and Youth Activist Award for students of Contra Costa! More details can also be found on the website: creatingpeacefulschools.weebly.com

We are also looking forwards to our upcoming Dialogue to Action community discussion event taking place on Tuesday, April 27th @ 7:00PM via Zoom. To register for this event, please visit the following link: https://tinyurl.com/peacecenterevent427

Please click the link below to view the full PDF of our current issue: