Afghanistan to 9-11: What is the Connection?

an event organized by the Friends of the Peace Center

Friday, September 10th, 4:00PM on ZOOM


The discussion will be led by John Ryan, Ph.D., a retired professor of geography and senior scholar at the University of Winnipeg in Canada. Dr. Ryan has studied and traveled extensively in Afghanistan.

Decades of U.S. involvement and war, thousands of lives lost, trillions of dollars spent, and now a messy withdrawal. What have we learned? What is the history of U.S. involvement in Afghanistan? What will be our future approach to Afghanistan and other troubled countries?  

An article written by Dr. Ryan, “Afghan Tragedy Still Relevant Today as it was Analyzed 15 Years Ago”, was featured in our email updates last week and may be found by clicking here.

After 9/11, America invaded Afghanistan, drove out the Taliban, and captured Bin Laden. But the American presence, and the war, have continued until 2021. The deadline for the end of the war was negotiated with the Taliban in 2020 by the Trump administration. Despite the August 31st withdrawal, questions remain as to the future of U.S. involvement in the region. How will U.S. foreign policy change as a result of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars? What does the future hold for America in the world?

Questions will follow the presentation by Dr. Ryan. The Zoom webinar will open at 3:45PM and the talk will begin at 4:00PM on Friday, September 10th.

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