The Peace Center is excited to announce a webinar we have co-organized with Veterans for Peace – set to take place Tuesday, October 26th from 7PM – 8:30PM via ZOOM – as a part of Walnut Creek Sustainability Week!

The webinar will be focused specifically on the Veterans for Peace campaign around Climate Change and Militarism. We think that this perspective is extremely important and a highly under-looked issue. 

Registration link: – you will be sent a zoom link upon registration!

The webinar will be led by Gary Butterfield from Veterans for Peace and focus on:

  1. The carbon bootprint of the US military, larger than that of many countries.
  2. The wars for oil and other resources – how they support the fossil fuel-based status quo.
  3. The unequal burden of both climate crisis and militarism on people of color, the poor, and future generations.
  4. The resources spent on militarism and war – redirect to respond to the existential threat of climate crisis.

For more information on Sustainability Week please visit this link: