“War destroys all systems that sustain and nurture life–familial, economic, cultural, political, environmental, and social. Once war begins, no one, even those nominally in charge of waging war, can guess what will happen, how the war will develop, how it can drive armies and nations towards suicidal folly.” 
– Chris Hedges 
(“War is the Greatest Evil” – https://therealnews.com/chris-hedges-war-is-the-greatest-evil)
Featured Artwork: Jessica Thornton via justseeds.org

Artist statement: 
“Wishing Peace for Ukraine, represented by the sunflower. Wishing Freedom for all anti-war protesters in Russia and beyond, and sending Solidarity to all of our movements for Justice – we must dismantle imperialism and militarization in all its forms!”
For updates and peace activist news on the war in Ukraine, stay connected with CODEPINK! 

CODEPINK, grassroots groups and organizations like the Peace Center have joined together to demand an end to the drumbeat of war with Russia over Ukraine! 

We will participate in actions and teach-ins around the country to resist the normalization of war. 

We resist U.S intervention, condemn the involvement of NATO demand No New Troops or Arms to Eastern Europe! Diplomacy not war!

See Feb 5 Day of Action Photos & Videos here!

Sign our petitions to stop war with Russia & learn more here!
Recommended Reading:

“Arms Industry Sees Ukraine Conflict as an Opportunity, Not a Crisis” by Jonathan Ng, Truthout (https://truthout.org/articles/arms-industry-sees-ukraine-conflict-as-an-opportunity-not-a-crisis )

(VIDEO) “Chris Hedges: Ukraine, Prelude to a War Crime” – The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA5ANV0rDZc

“The Predictable Demise of RT America” by Sam Husseini, ConsortiumNews (https://consortiumnews.com/2022/03/05/the-predictable-demise-of-rt-america)

“Sanctions May Sound ‘Nonviolent,’ But They Quietly Hurt the Most Vulnerable” by Khury Petersen-Smith(https://truthout.org/articles/sanctions-may-sound-nonviolent-but-they-quietly-hurt-the-most-vulnerable)
Upcoming Event:

Saturday, March 12th 1PM – 3PM PST in Antioch

“No Drilling Contra Costa – Youth March & Rally”

Please join Sustainable Contra Costa in building a greener, healthier, fossil fuel-free future. Let’s stop the expansion of fossil fuel production right in our own backyard!

The No Drilling Contra Costa Youth March and Rally will take place on Saturday, March 12th, 1-3 PM at the Antioch Community Center. 

We’ll march 1.2 miles on a trail along Lone Tree Way and then join a rally on the right-hand side of the Antioch Community Center parking lot. 

The rally will feature speakers, music, art, an informational fair, and a supervised, fenced-in playground for young children. We hope you’ll join us! Put on your walking shoes and wear blue and green. Bring water, snacks, banners, and signs.