Artwork by Fernando Marti via

Statement from the artist:

“This graphic was created in response to the state’s attack on people’s bodily autonomy – in particular, the control of women’s, queer, and trans bodies.

I drew this as a quick pencil drawing in my sketchbook, then scanned and adjusted the image in Illustrator, and dropped in colors Photoshop.The plantitas are a field of Artemisia, also known as mugwort or wormwood, which besides promoting dreams, is also one of many herbs used by traditional healers and midwives to prevent or terminate pregnancy.

Traditional herbal abortion was one of the ways women protected their bodily autonomy and choice for millennia.”
Recommended Reading: (Week of July 11)

“Handling International Crises: From JFK to Biden” by Rick Sterling (Peace Center Board Member + Advocacy Committee), Dissident Voice

“The Dangerous US Opposition to Eurasian Integration” by Vijay Prashad, Consortium News

“Chris Hedges: NATO — Most Dangerous Military Alliance on Planet” Consortium News
Upcoming Events:

(July 11th – 4PM PST)

Webinar: Observations from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, a report back by Jeff Klein


JEFF KLEIN will report back on his recent trip to Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. He is a retired machinist and local trade-union president active with the anti-war group Dorchester People for Peace. He is a board member of Massachusetts Peace Action and a member of its Palestine-Israel Working Group. Since 2004 Jeff has traveled almost every year to Palestine/Israel and elsewhere in the Middle East, most recently including Syria in 2016 and 2018.

As with previous trips, Jeff plans to share what he learned in a report back for MAPA and the wider peace community. 
CODEPINK Monthly Bridge Walk for Peace

Join us Sunday, JULY 24TH on the Golden Gate Bridge! 

Our Bodies, Our Choice! BAN GUNS Not ABORTIONS

In light of the growing assault on women’s reproductive rights, we will gather for a unifying rally and march calling for Safe Abortion Access for All!

This walk will take place on SUNDAY, JULY 24th at NOON