• Activist Alert 4/4/22

    Featured Local Event: Join the Poor People’s Campaign TONIGHT in Danville for a Public Participatory Reading of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prophetic “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” speech.Event Information HereDate: Monday, April 4th (Tonight!)Time: 6:00PMLocation: St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church Sanctuary1550 Diablo […]

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  • Activist Alert, 3/28

    Featured Artwork: This artwork was sent in by a longtime friend of the Peace Center, who saw this shared on twitter and thought the sentiment expressed was perfectly fitting for this time. Anja Rožen, a 13 y/o student from Slovenia’s poster was chosen […]

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    The Peace Center calls our community to continue to resist the normalization of war and the expansion of NATO! We join CODEPINK and other like-minded peace groups in saying: NO TO NATO! We issued a statement last week that called for […]

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  • Shut Down Creech Air Force Base! Week of Action March 26th – April 2nd

    SHUT DOWN CREECH:  Marking 13 Years!Spring Action:  March 26 – April 2 National Mobilization to Nonviolently Resist Killer Drones! Shut Down Creech, (SDC) co-sponsored by CODEPINK and Veterans For Peace, is a national campaign to “shut down” the criminal U.S. drone terror program. […]

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  • Statement of Unity on Ukraine

    The Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center stands firmly in our principles of peace. Our vision since our founding in 1969, is a world community with peace, justice and freedom for all. We are a community of activists opposed to […]

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About the Center

We exist to offer Contra Costa County residents a choice – a choice in how to view the world through peaceful eyes, to view Contra Costa County as part of the global family. Showing support for community programs allows the Center to work towards engendering new ways of thinking in every citizen. That choice includes how we spend our time and money, and the picture of what peace looks like gets clearer as we take actions that reflect our resolve to be the change we want to see.

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