• Happy Juneteenth!

    What is Juneteenth? “Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom from slavery in the United States. It has been celebrated since 1865. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. […]

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  • Updates from Friends of Scott and Taun Hall! (June 2nd – Miles Hall Remembrance Event)

    Last December, the Peace Center honored the community group Friends of Scott, Alexis and Taun Hall at our Annual Awards Dinner for their incredible community-based work and dedication to justice.  Following the Awards Dinner we made the natural decision to support one […]

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  • Justice for George Floyd!

    Last week, we witnessed another horrific act of police violence, as unarmed citizen George Floyd was held and fatally suffocated by the Minneapolis Police Department. His final words, “I can’t breathe”, echoed that of Eric Garner, another African-American man who […]

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  • Interview with Concord Communities Alliance

    At the beginning of May, the Peace Center had the opportunity to have a conversation with two organizers with local grassroots group, Concord Communities Alliance (CCA). CCA works with the community to advocate for better affordability, livability, sustainability, and resident […]

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  • Submissions for the 2020 Art & Writing Challenge are now CLOSED / Sponsor one of our Awards!

    Hello wonderful community! This past week, we have closed submissions to our 2020 Dennis Thomas Art & Writing Challenge + Youth Activist Grant Awards. Despite the hectic nature of the past two months, we have received a number of thoughtful, […]

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  • The May / June 2020 Issue of our Gazette is LIVE!

    The latest issue of our Peace Gazette is now available! It includes our regular column by longtime board member Bob Maxwell, as well as a few new features. As a part of the launch of our new community partners section […]

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About the Center

We exist to offer Contra Costa County residents a choice – a choice in how to view the world through peaceful eyes, to view Contra Costa County as part of the global family. Showing support for community programs allows the Center to work towards engendering new ways of thinking in every citizen. That choice includes how we spend our time and money, and the picture of what peace looks like gets clearer as we take actions that reflect our resolve to be the change we want to see.

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