Join us on Thursday, March 16th (7PM – 8:30PM) for a free film screening + discussion! This is an inspiring film for all ages but it is perfect for introducing young people to the power of activism. We highly recommend bringing the whole family!

Registration is free but please sign up below so we can best accommodate participants. The film runtime is around 45 minutes and we will have time for discussion after.
Refreshments will be provided and participants are encouraged to bring snacks! 

If you have any questions, please email:

Monday, March 13th @ 1:00PM

Equity Speaker Series: From Self-Care to Healing Justice – Lessons from Women of Color Activists
Organized by the Diablo Valley College Social Justice Department

TICKETS: FREE (Register Online for Zoom Link)

About the event:

This talk will draw on research conducted with the movement for reproductive justice that advocates for the human right to bodily autonomy that includes bearing children or terminating pregnancies free from judgment, abuse, or obstacles; raising children in healthy environments; and expressing one’s gender identity.

This talk explores the meaning of health and wellness, particularly for low-income communities of color. Zavella will illustrate how the movement for reproductive justice teaches us to go beyond self-care and work collaboratively for healing justice and the well-being of all.

About the speaker:

Patricia Zavella completed her Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. She is a Professor Emerita of Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She works in the intersection of Chicanx/Latinx studies, anthropology, and feminist studies on issues related to poverty, family, sexuality, health, work, transnational migration, and women’s social activism.

Her most recent book is The Movement for Reproductive Justice: Empowering Women of Color through Social Activism. Zavella is the recipient of the American Anthropological Association’s Committee on Gender Equity in Anthropology Award, the Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists’ Distinguished Career Award, and the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies’ NACCS Scholar of the Year award.

SHUT DOWN DRONE WARFARE! (April 15 – 22, 2023)
Holloman Drone Base, Southern New Mexico

Co-sponsored by CODEPINK, Ban Killer Drones & Veterans for Peace
The campaign to nonviolently stop the US killer drone program orchestrated out of Creech AFB, Nevada is EXPANDING!Our Spring Action is moving to the southern New Mexico desert, at Holloman Killer Drone Base, April 15 – 22! This is a national mobilization. Please join us & bring friends. Our organizing is calling for at least 300 people across the country to converge in peaceful resistance! If you can help, please contact us! 

Creech AFB in Nevada, is now understood to be the “grandfather” of all U.S. drone bases: The covert U.S. Drone Assassination Program started there, and it remains the central control center in a complex assassin drones network. Shut Down Creech, our 14 year campaign to resist drone warfare at Creech AFB, with week-long peaceful protests has been successful: Our persistence has contributed greatly to the rapid turnover of drone pilots and operators in the program. We will return to Creech for our fall action week later this year!

Why Holloman and Why Now?
The drone pilot/operator training program was moved from Creech to Holloman Air Force Base a few years ago. This explains the noticeably decreased commute traffic and decreased number of Reaper drones flying over the Nevada desert. Newer recruits are more likely to be impacted and called to their conscience. The secrecy of the drone program keeps it from the public eye. “Drone strikes” are rarely mentioned in the media or by the military, and the term “Air Strikes” provides convenient “shelter” from public scrutiny. Our presence will uncover the secrecy!

What we do know:
Holloman AFB is the #1 producer of drone pilots and operators in the U.S.! It “graduates more than 600 students annually.” (per Holloman’s website)Holloman currently hosts the Royal Air Force RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) Formal Training Unit (FTU) and the Italian Air Force RPA training courses.Modern warfare has become a technical warfare using remotely controlled killing machines and autonomous weaponry. Countries are racing to obtain the most advanced drones and robotic weapons to compete with a very frightening global reality. (Read attached articles about the role of drones in the Ukraine war.) A more violent world is being created in our name, with our tax dollars.

The Shut Down Creech organizing team is collaborating with New Mexico Veterans For Peace activists to nonviolently resist drone warfare at Holloman. We are calling our expanded campaign: SHUT DOWN DRONE WARFARE! Diplomacy not War…Stop Militarism for the Planet!