Encouraging Peaceful Solutions since 1969

Category Israel/Gaza

Suggested Reading on Israel/Gaza War

Week of February 5, 2024

Jake Johnson: US Judge Rejects US Complicity Case on Technical Grounds

“A federal judge in Oakland, California, dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday that aimed to stop the U.S. from aiding Israel’s catastrophic assault on the Gaza Strip …

Results of Awards Dinner / Fundraiser for the Children of Gaza

Our 15th Annual Peace and Justice Awards Dinner/Fundraiser for the Children of Gaza was held on Saturday, November 4th at Creekside Commons in Lafayette.

Despite our short lead-in time, we were able to accommodate over 130 attendees and raised a …

Richmond Mayor Eduardo Martinez stands by city’s resolution supporting Palestinians in Gaza (Video)

“I reject the notion that speaking out against Israel’s military and right wing government is antisemitic. We should never stay silent when it comes to any group. The Palestinian people are currently dealing with what the United Nations calls war

Statement by Jewish Voice for Peace: “The Root of Violence Is Oppression”

We thank our friends at Jewish Voice for Peace for this statement regarding the horrific actions in Gaza. We were proud to honor Jewish Voice for Peace at our recent 2023 Peace Awards Dinner. If you are not already aware …

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