Make a Donation to the Center!
Donations may also be made via check. Make your check out to “Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center”, and send it to us at this address:
Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center
1035 Carol Lane
Lafayette, CA 94549
Planned Giving (click to open)
By including our Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center in your will or estate plan, you will help ensure that future generations will continue working to make our society more just and peaceful.
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (federal tax identification #75-3177720.) The following language is suggested for use in a will in making a bequest: “I give (the sum of $xx dollars) (all or xx percent of the residuary of my estate) to Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center for its general purposes.”
For large amounts, you may specify that your contribution be held as an endowment, and that the interest generated by the endowment will be used as general revenues, while the principal will keep generating income for the life of our Peace Center.
To make certain that your exact intentions are carried out, wills and estate plans should be prepared by or with the advice of an attorney or a estate planning professional. We have volunteer attorneys willing to help..
If you have named Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center as a beneficiary in your will or trust, we would like to acknowledge your thoughtful gift and vision. Please let us know that you have named the center in your estate plan so we can add you as a member of the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center.
Please note, we also have a brokerage account at Scottrade (account # 57030222). We will happily accept donations of stock through that account. Donors have avoided paying income taxes on appreciated stock through this transfer method. Our DTC routing number is 0705.
Please contact our office for further information.