Tell your Rep to Pass Rep. Lee’s Amendment!


From WinWithoutWar:

Rep. Barbara Lee and other Democrats are championing an amendment that will reverse Congress’s attempt to add $37 BILLION in unnecessary Pentagon spending to next year’s budget.

This week, Congress is debating next year’s Pentagon budget. Every weapons contractor wants a piece of the pie, and they’re shamelessly lobbying for it. And many members of Congress are listening to those lobbyists. When all is said and done, next year’s Pentagon budget could be a whopping $850 billion. 

President Biden already proposed to give more money to the Pentagon, but the war hawks in Congress voted to add BILLIONS MORE to the budget. Every year, the Pentagon keeps getting more and more money. That is — unless you take action to stop it. 

This amendment will undo a reckless spending increase and bring the budget back down to the level that President Biden submitted. A vote on this amendment could happen any day now. This is a fight we can win, especially because we’re on the same side as the White House. But it won’t happen unless we show up to give back to the Democrats in Congress pushing this forward”