Please join us today in celebrating and honoring the life of Miles Hall!

We ask that you consider making a $26 donation to the Miles Hall Foundation in honor of Miles’ 26th birthday! This foundation was started by Miles’ family and rapidly grew as a grassroots movement here in Walnut Creek. The mission of The Miles Hall Foundation is to support families by educating communities about mental illness and protect those impacted with mental illness from excessive use of force by law enforcement.

In recognition of Miles’ birthday – his family has shared some of the many successes they have achieved in the past two year.

The following is a message sent to the community by Taun Hall – Miles’ mother, this past week:

“We’d like to highlight just a few of the many things we accomplished with your support. Miles would be so happy to know of all of the good things we’re doing together in his name. 

  • You’ve built a community of advocacy and support for Assembly Bill 988, introduced by CA Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, to establish the Miles Hall Mental Health Crisis Hotline across all of California.
  • You have been champions for, and participants in, the countywide efforts of the Contra Costa County Health Services Department to envision and design a robust mental crisis response – the A3 (Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime) initiative that will be accessed through the MilesHall Community Crisis Hub. 
  • We called for and helped facilitate a series of innovative “community listening sessions” around racial issues and mental health awareness with the City of Walnut Creek.
  • Our volunteers are active participants in the Walnut Creek Police Chief’s Community Advisory Board and the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force. 
  • We are collaborating with educators and local school districts to create and deliver curriculum and projects to promote anti-racism and remove the stigma of mental illness in middle schools 
  • Our volunteers, working with community sponsors, and the City of Walnut Creek have transformed Lancaster Park into “Remembrance Park”, a place for community mental health and remembrance. 
  • To build a sustainable organization, we have recruited a stellar board of directors, put in place our initial staffing, developed an inclusive strategic planning process, and are working to expand the ability of the organization to meet our mission and achieve our goals for the future.

All this work, and so much more, has started us on the road to bringing about the kind of compassionate and appropriate crisis response that could have, and should have, been in place in June of 2019.  Miles life and spirit continues to sustain us and be the light that makes our efforts to achieve this reality so important.

On Miles’ birthday on Tuesday, again this year we’ll be distributing bikes purchased by the foundation to young people. Miles loved riding his bike through town and with our partners at Hope Solutions and The Power Church in Antioch we hope to bring sMiles to the faces more young people this year on what would have been Miles 26th year with us. 

Your donations have helped sustain our efforts as we’ve grown our organization and our impact and all the ways you have shown up continue to be greatly appreciated.  

With our non-profit status, be assured that all donations you make in support of the Miles Hall Foundation, are tax deductible, and are put to use to sustain this important work. 

For those making a donation , please check with your employer to check to see if they provide a match for your contributions.  

Say his name, Miles Hall!”