The Peace Center calls our community to continue to resist the normalization of war and the expansion of NATO! We join CODEPINK and other like-minded peace groups in saying: NO TO NATO! We issued a statement last week that called for an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to end the war.

The potential consequences of this conflict are dangerous and we must avoid the risk of potential nuclear holocaust. An essential part of our statement opposes any intervention – including transfer of NATO aircraft and resupply of weapons – that would prolong this conflict.

What is the history of NATO? What has been our involvement? Below are some insightful articles that provide some insight into the larger context of how we got to this situation:

The US, NATO & the Article IV Trap in UkraineBy Scott Ritter (Special to Consortium News)

“What Planet is NATO Living On?” by By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, CODEPINK –

From Moscow to Washington, the Barbarism and Hypocrisy Don’t Justify Each OtherBy Norman Solomon, ScheerPost

“Four Western Provocations That Led to U.S.-Russia Crisis Today” By Ted Galen Carpenter, CATO

image via CODEPINK