Our “Dialogue to Action: Addressing Racism” Book Club is currently reading Caste, The Origins of Our Discontents. This book is a NYT bestseller written by Isabel Wilkerson, a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and Author of The Warmth of Other Suns.

Discussion Facilitator, Magret Nunes, is an experienced Social Justice Activist and public high school teacher. She has been organizing meetings on this topic throughout the East Bay for several years. Nunes received a grant to purchase books for loan to attendees and has an  extensive collection to share. 

The next meeting is on Tuesday, July 11th @ 7PM. This meeting will take place in-person, at the Peace Center at 1035 Carol Lane in Lafayette.

If you would like more information, want to borrow the book and/or get on our discussion group mailing list, please contact us today! email: margli@ourpeacecenter.org / 925-933-7850