The Peace Center would like to honor and recognize the life of Trayvon Martin who was fatally shot by George Zimmerman in SanfordFlorida, on this day in 2012. This tragedy was just one incident in the unfathomably long history of unarmed Black men who have been killed in the United States due to the racist perception of them being “a threat”. However, this event would begin to set the momentum for the mobilization of millions of people across the country who were beyond tired and fed up with the racist and broken system that was letting these incidents continue.

In our own community of Walnut Creek, Miles Hall was needlessly killed by officers from our police department – DESPITE having prior knowledge of his mental health status and being informed that careful measures would need to be taken when handling the situation. Instead, the officers present chose to do as many other officers across the country have done and continue to do: acted from a place of fear, racism, and misunderstanding. In response, the Miles Hall Foundation, along with the National Alliance on Mental Health Contra Costa – began grassroots organizing work in the area to raise awareness and mobilize action to take place to demand a response from the city – and a promise that policy would change. After more than a year of work, the group has made huge strides in making concrete change here in Walnut Creek.

The Peace Center takes great inspiration from this kind of organizing work, as it is a huge part of our historical legacy. We are proud to continue to support the work of those working for peace and justice – and in 2021, are seeking new ways that we can leverage our resources and platform to better serve the community. Please do not hesitate to reach out! (

Below is an interview posted recently on The Guardian, featuring Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton. She speaks about some of the efforts the local community has been engaged over the past 8-years in response to not only what happened to her son, but what is the symptom of a larger structural issue plaguing our nation.