On Friday, Nov. 13, at 1 p.m. via Zoom, The Friends of Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center featured a webinar with guest speaker Patrick Hiller, Ph.D

He lead a discussion on the new edition of his book, “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War,” published by World Beyond War, focusing on feminist foreign policy, a new section in the fifth edition.

Dr. Hiller has a doctorate in conflict analysis and resolution from Nova Southeastern University and a master’s degree in human geography from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. He is the executive director of the War Prevention Initiative of the Jubitz Family Foundation and teaches at the Conflict Resolution Program at Portland State University.

Following an interdisciplinary approach, his work and research interests encompass war and peace, conflict resolution, peace studies, environmental issues, ethnicity, human rights, nationalism, social justice, Mexico, Latin America, social/ peace movements, identity formation, culture and conflict and migration. He studied and worked on those topics while living in Germany, Mexico and the United States.

Hiller is vice president of the International Peace Research Association Foundation. He is a member of the board of directors of the Oregon Peace Institute, the Peace and Security Funders Group and the Peace and Justice Studies Association. He is the founding editor of the Peace Science Digest.