Hello community!

We are excited to announce that the video recording of the webinar we held with Professor Sarah Ray is now live on youtube!

In the webinar we had the privilege to hear from Dr. Sarah Ray, Associate Professor and Department chair of Environmental Studies at Humboldt State University. Dr. Ray discussed strategies for coping with climate (and coronavirus) anxiety that she has pulled together from social movement theory, mindfulness, and the scholarly field of the environmental humanities in her new book, A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet

There was an opportunity for Q&A, as well as breakout sessions for smaller groups to reflect on climate anxiety, and the resonance with our current moment of police brutality and COVID. Following the webinar, there was a brief introduction to the Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge by Sustainable ContraCosta led by Colleen Noland!

We would like to extend a huge thank you to the Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church and their Climate Action Committee for helping to co-organize this event with us. As this was our first webinar, we were extremely pleased with how smooth it went and the positive response from the attendees. Keep an eye out in the near future for what we have planned next!

Prior to the webinar, two of our interns – Sophia Warren and Karen Rosenberg – had the opportunity to ask Professor Ray some questions about her work. The interview can be found here: https://ourpeacecenter.org/addressing-climate-anxiety-an-interview-with-professor-sarah-ray-humboldt-state-university/

Dr. Sarah Jaquette Ray is professor and program leader of Environmental Studies at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. She writes, teaches, and collaborates on the relationship between emotions and effective climate advocacy, as well as other environmental issues. She is author of A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet, as well as another book, The Ecological Other: Environmental Exclusion in American Culture (2013) and three co-edited volumes on various environmental justice issues. She writes a blog: www.writingattheendoftheworld.blogspot.com. Learn more at https://www.sarahjaquetteray.com/.

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