Become a member or simply donate to the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center


We exist to offer Contra Costa County residents a choice – a choice in how to view the world through peaceful eyes, to view Contra Costa County as part of the global family. Showing support for community programs allows the Center to work towards engendering new ways of thinking in every citizen. That choice includes how we spend our time and money, and the picture of what peace looks like gets clearer as we take actions that reflect our resolve to be the change we want to see.

Our vision is a world community with peace, justice and freedom for all. It is a revolutionary vision of a beloved community where differences are respected, conflicts are addressed nonviolently, oppressive structures are dismantled, and people live in harmony with the earth.  As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: “One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means.” (1967, A Christmas Sermon.)

Our purpose is to work for a culture of peace through education, advocacy and community building. We are creating an organizing force that takes unfocused dissatisfaction with war and injustice and provides a more peaceful, sustainable and co-operative way to take that energy and create a better world. Our challenge is to identify the tasks where people can make a difference and match the people to those tasks.
1.3. Values

The values that are bedrock for developing the programs in alignment with our intentions are as follows:

  • Life is sacred.
  • We are all connected.
  • We are individually and collectively powerful by our thoughts and actions.
  • We treat the Earth with utmost respect to ensure sustainability.
  • All beings deserve respect, liberty, and education.
  • Employ non-violence as an operating principle.
  • We must resolve conflicts non- violently.
  • We are one people.